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You should pick Yuu

OldtakuNoFujoshi March 25, 2020 10:47 am

Chiba Kozue, this sensei comes with the guarantee of painful drama before peaceful ending, but no satisfaction guarantee!
The latest I followed this manga is at Shin has to go back and comfort Rika, staying with her to make sure she's ok. Rika when she's without bf, she will drink and didn't look after herself well. At that time, Shin and FL became bf and gf already. Shin asked his gf, to do that for Rika. He prioritized Rika and everything. FL allowed Shin to do that since Shin asked her to trust him. Shin told FL that Rika's dad will take Rika with him to the States, then they can become bf and gf like normal again. It ended up Rika's dad didn't come and Shin has to go back to be with Rika again without knowing when he can be back with the FL. Yuu told the FL to make her choice

    Alex June 23, 2020 7:51 pm

    Ughh whyy (/TДT)/