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So the old man with the beard and talking about the red flowers was her second husband. Th...

Haruka May 17, 2014 7:34 am

So the old man with the beard and talking about the red flowers was her second husband. Though her first husband that was injured looks a lot like his grandfather. So why did they lie about his death? Anyway. It was a touching story.

    Onna31 May 29, 2015 11:13 pm

    I thnk so the women cn let him go and hv happier life than live w cripple man because the soldier love her enough to let her go.Thats why whn they reunite,she cry.Because though she love him,but taking care of cripple man may nt b what young women want and relief that he was alive and sad because she easily gv up their love because cnt hnddle the rumours. At the end,the men die first and also her husband (remember,she only engage to the criplle soldier, nt marry yt) well,thats frm my pov

    Though i lv this story