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rambling thoughts!

punchline: existential dread March 27, 2020 6:01 pm

"josei in disguise" - really astute comment from someone else that i just have to crib. thanks in advance, mangago user Gwaine, i'm stealing it

read this a long time ago because i was curious to see what this established shoujo mangaka ventured out of her comfort genre to accomplish. reread this again today. verdict? really all-round solid entry into the historical/tragedy/psychological drama genre - a lot of class intrigue, mystery, and abuse and hurt/comfort, and, of course, incest. what historical yaoi tragedy is complete without incest? not exactly my cup of tea, but required reading for any yaoi enthusiast.

i also recently watched the handmaiden and i've just been struck by the realization that the two are really similar in spirit and atmosphere, and even certain plot points mirror each other - taishou era aristocracy, a cherry tree hanging, incest and familial secrets - ?????????

could park chan-wook have - ? no. couldn't have. perhaps both are based on similar source material?

(could also argue how it's almost a wuthering heights in the guise of a japanese period drama. tagami is totally lockwood, with maybe some edgar/catherine (linton AND prime) in the mix - ahhh i'm rambling about literature again lol. i don't make sense. like, i think i mean, really, the whole outsider perspective looking in, gothic kinda thing. ok i should stop)
