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HmmmHmmm it would be better for sori if he had a romance with someone not his sister

Arizel the awesomeness May 17, 2014 5:59 pm

HmmmHmmm it would be better for sori if he had a romance with someone not his sister

    Anonymous September 28, 2014 8:39 am

    Hmmmm no

    Arizel the awesomess November 29, 2014 5:25 am

    Hey you can't say no' to a person's opinion ! B/c everyone has there own opinions of things and you have no right to deny it !!! U would probably be angry if someone did that to you so don't do it to another person!!!!!!!

    Yuki April 2, 2017 1:51 pm
    Hey you can't say no' to a person's opinion ! B/c everyone has there own opinions of things and you have no right to deny it !!! U would probably be angry if someone did that to you so don't do it to another pe... @Arizel the awesomess

    Dude calm down - I mean yeah everybody has their own opinions and all and yeah they should be respected but you can't criticise someone if they disagree with your opinion.