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Please take this down. September Scanlations don't want their doujins uploaded on reader s...

Namiko May 19, 2014 6:25 am

Please take this down. September Scanlations don't want their doujins uploaded on reader sites. Why does this keep happening?

    Limbaugh May 20, 2014 7:58 pm

    @Namiko, it happens because people upload these to mangafox. And because this is it's mirror site, they're here too. Complaining here will do nothing, and the owner of both these sites is greedy, so they won't take it down. If they keep it up they can make more money off ads. Which is one of the reasons why the scanlation group didn't want it here in the first place.
    In addition to that, commenting here won't get it removed. They haven't removed other DJ's by September Scanlations either, and won't.
    There's really nothing we can do except stop going to these sites. Which no one wants to do right?

    here we go again... May 21, 2014 1:44 am

    Their doujins?? This is September scanlations doujins? They own this? It's their copyrighted work??

    Jo-chan May 22, 2014 8:04 pm

    Yes, it is. The translation is THEIRS. So GTFO with your excuses for being a selfish child who has no impulse control or ability to think long term.

    here we go again... May 29, 2014 1:49 pm

    @jo-chan you're hilarious. Cause you're still on here reading all of these works that are scanned and posted against the Japanese publisher's consent. Sweetie go sit your little uptight butt down somewhere and enjoy the yaoi