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To the person who keeps uploading these. You're kinda dense, aren't you. What if they stop...

Anna May 19, 2014 8:56 am

To the person who keeps uploading these. You're kinda dense, aren't you. What if they stop scanlating them because you're too disrespectful? You're not helping anyone with that you're just making it worse!

    mryumyum May 20, 2014 6:10 pm

    lol @Anna stop being an idiot and enjoy the yaoi, man. fuxking ENJOY it.
    who cares, it's life. deal with it. lmao ~

    Jo-chan May 22, 2014 8:08 pm

    Life also comes with things like scan groups disbanding cos of this. At that time you all cry "why no update" or "I need to know what happens".

    Guess what? Each time we never find out, your "enjoy the yaoi and fuck the scan groups" is part of the reason why. Much shot-sighted. Very child. Wow.

    Jo-chan May 22, 2014 8:09 pm


    Anna May 23, 2014 5:14 am

    @mryumyum I enjoyed it even before it was uploaded here! September Scans are pretty much the only group who scans free dj so don't tell me it's too much effort. They are pretty open about their other projects such as Honto Yajuu, Sekaiichi Hatsukoi, Backstage!!, etc. But if hey stopped scanlating all together because some stupid person keeps uploading their djs, I couldn't really enjoy any those awesome mangas anymore. They are doing a great job, they're one of the fastest groups and normally they don't care where their projects are uploaded to. They just asked not to upload their djs to mangareader sites. They even provide their own mangareader for their djs. So think before you write stuff like this.