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Sachiko Fujinuma is the coolest character here imo 😊😊😊 I knew the teacher was the...

BoOhm March 30, 2020 9:52 am

Sachiko Fujinuma is the coolest character here imo
I knew the teacher was the kidnapper i mean before i got here i get to read 2 of mangaka sensei's manga and the sensei there are always the bad one

Aniways,im one of those SotaruXairi shipper there

    lena May 2, 2020 2:51 am

    i loved sachiko too! such a cool it wield that i ship her with the doctor? lol

    Kawaii Panda May 20, 2020 8:36 am

    Hah~ at first I kinda ship his mom to sensei and let my doubt pass that he's the kidnapper but after seeing those candies... ack retreat xD