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I've watched the Anime and freaking cried so much that even Alice's Ocean of Tears were a ...

Beowulf May 19, 2014 9:47 pm

I've watched the Anime and freaking cried so much that even Alice's Ocean of Tears were a puddle compared to mine, but I don't want to read it and remember the sadness. ( I am Freaking Not overreacting!)

    kiri May 20, 2014 4:25 am

    I feel your pain I really do. I read and watched this and cried (T-T) but I still love it... I just wish for a different ending! *runs to corner to cry*

    Nanaruka October 7, 2014 10:03 pm

    I exactly feel the same ! I watched the anime once, and the end was so sad and touching that I could never gather the courage t read the manga (just the end to see if it's as sad as the anime). Like Kiri, I wish that the ending was a little "happier"! *I think bittersweet is really the appropriate sensation for this manga* :') *sob out*

    Silver Wolf October 12, 2014 7:20 pm

    I tried to watch the anime, but I didn't like the changes they made to it. Only the ending did I find somewhat acceptable (and by ending I mean the last 5-10 min). God just thinking about either ending makes me feel so sad