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I've read this manga several times now, and I still find it simply adorable... there are s...

soulofalover May 20, 2014 4:02 am

I've read this manga several times now, and I still find it simply adorable... there are several details though which I can't help but find soooo cuute! The mountain cat trying to escape the guy hugging him because he is cold (in that otherwordly island) - his little arms stretched out, he was just too cute, as well as the coyote that just decides to park his little ass on the guy's head ... wow! The little kids i the last chpt. were sooo sweet!
I loved all the stories!! ^u^

Can anybody tell me what is TAMAGO ... something ... can't remember the same. The guy on 4th Chpt. has a fever but gets all excited because the restaurant's manager promises to get him that. WHAT IS IT, pllzz?

    ; ) May 20, 2014 7:49 am

    it's rice porridge with eggs. he loves eggs, see? the japanese people likes that dish very much, especially egg lovers. :)

    soulofalover May 29, 2014 3:06 am

    Thank u very much 4 the info. @;)
    I'd love 2 go 2 Japan and try everything I've learnt in mangas ... ^v^

    LadyDragyn July 9, 2014 8:20 pm

    They actually have manga cookbook on Amazon and there is a channel on youtube where they make alot of food found in mangas/animes. Save yourself thousands. Rice porridge is the go to food for sick people. Tamago just means egg and also the name of the rolled omelet they make in bentos.