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Oh please ! if you respect God , whether you're Moslem or Christian, you would not read th...

Marie May 21, 2014 8:00 pm

Oh please ! if you respect God , whether you're Moslem or Christian, you would not read this! You should be ashamed because in christianity or other religion, just reading something like this is totally big sin! Me? I don't care .. I love yaoi and gay porn .. You hypocrite .. don't read porn or smut if you believe in God!

    garnier May 26, 2014 5:09 am

    so you not believe in God..

    ahdkja May 26, 2014 10:59 am

    i love u wahahaah

    Tsk^ June 8, 2014 4:49 pm

    I read that and I believe in God.

    SMH June 13, 2014 3:11 pm

    I believe in God. I read this. You can shut your ignorant mouth and stop telling me what to read. We sin everyday in everything we do. This is no different. Tip for the future: if don't wanna shitstorm on your hands, keep religion out of it.

    I Thot You Was a Toad June 13, 2014 7:29 pm

    No, it's only a "big sin" if you believe in the God that fundies believe in ... which a whole lot of people don't. Not everyone who's a Christian-Muslim-whatever thinks that sex is a sin, or sex in some sort of temple is a sin.

    OmfgYAOIRevulution!!!! September 19, 2014 7:56 pm

    lol christians serves satan they are liars. they have set their belive in a stupid book that they dont even listen to. do you know adam and eva were not meant to be and they commited a sin SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE LOL and someone raped maria and that makes jesus a whorebaby with no daddy. you christians are the most perverted idiots here of us all
    god is everything god is yaoi god is you what you eat everything you see is God.
    its not a he or she its something that we all have inside us its called "love" empathy that is the true word of "god" now stop following the boring made up bible someone wrote and it was certanly not god or jesus who wote it its just made up shit and you dont even follow it. do you share equal with everyone you meet? are you kind ? have you ever killed someone or eaten Living creatures? yes even killing a fly will set you in hell. i belive our stupid blindness is gonna doom us all to an end of earth very very soon and im gonna enjoy reading and watching yaoi my last time here on earth and be kind and loving to everyone i meet,openminded i just live. if you can proof where you were before you were born and made you have won the game were all playing.

    OmfgYAOIRevulution!!!! September 19, 2014 8:06 pm

    and btw yaoi revolution is going on in real life more and more boys are becoming gays. do you know why? i know. its beacus they discoverd they are more gay being together with a girl and do sassy things with her girls are shelfish and talk much about them selves, a bit too big hole that you grow tierd of and certainly after giving birth to a kid. boy x boy world is fantastic! you can screw when you are horny, you can hang out like best friends and a couple and the best part is the sex for them. and they dont have to worry about getting a kid. when yaoi revulution will come there will stop comming babies and less humans will be here on earth witch are NEEDED. we are like ants now its really really BAD.
    sure i would like to have a boyfriend too but for what purpose? there is no need for more children here we need more animals not more humans. just imagine a world whitout humans, how would it look like?

    if it only had been ADAM AND STEVE!!♂x♂

    im glad to be alive

    rin January 19, 2015 3:40 pm

    Oooooh! I believe in god though...and i read this.....ever heard of blissful sin? XD im sinful as hell now! Thankie much for reminding me of my sin....for that, i shall cleanse my body and....QUIT THE CHURCH!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA XD im totally sinful mow xD

    shinRei January 19, 2015 4:08 pm
    lol christians serves satan they are liars. they have set their belive in a stupid book that they dont even listen to. do you know adam and eva were not meant to be and they commited a sin SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE L... @OmfgYAOIRevulution!!!!

    You are soooooo lonely.... :/ sorry. Dont have so much nega thoughts! Itll ruin your health. Lets not throw insults at people and be happy we are born fujoshi and fudanshis! And jesus is not a whore baby -3- nobody raped mama mary! Thats why they call her virgin mary! Anyway i dont believe that the bible was written by god becausr the bible was written by the human hand! Says so in the bible itself! So pls do not throw insults at the christian church and the bible if you know nothing about our beliefs. And i just wanna correct you, christians arre not the only one perverted. Being a perv is called being human. Getting horny is just a normal human reaction. Its our instinct to reproduce. You say youre opeminded but youre not. Youre a....lonely brat. You act like you understand but you dont. You are trying to force your belief upon others. Trying to force to think how stupid they ar to believe god. Yes. God is love but he is much more than that. And saying reading porn is a big sin? I do not think that. Porn was made to help us quench our lusts and desires and thus minimizing the possibilty for us to commit sin. It satisfies us to the point we no lpnger need others to do so. And i dont think God despise those who submits to reading or even watching porn since he was the one who undeniably gavr us the instinct to reproduce amd the ability tp be horny. Okay. Thats all. Shinrei out.

    bessy January 19, 2015 4:26 pm
    and btw yaoi revolution is going on in real life more and more boys are becoming gays. do you know why? i know. its beacus they discoverd they are more gay being together with a girl and do sassy things with he... @OmfgYAOIRevulution!!!!

    Thats absolutely a disgusting way to describe gays. You make them all sound like some stupid slut just wanting sex. They are not like that. They dont become gays just because girls pussy gets all wide and unsatisfying. They are gays because thats how they feel. They fall for guys, maybe some stupid people are only after sex...but jeez! Think about it! Can you really have sex with someone you dont love? You cant right? Even the thought of it makes me sick! So how can you say gays only become gays because of sex?! How can you say those!? Its like telling everyone you can have sex without love yourself! AND I APOLOGIZE IN ADVANCE IF EVER THIS COMMENT OFFENDS YOU! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! but i have to fight for my own opinion thay contrast yours! GOMENASAI!

    Ninja Fangirl February 1, 2015 11:25 am

    Uh, can't we just through out religion and enjoy the hot manly sex we all just read? ^-^; Cause you know you all enjoyed it to some extent regardless of your beliefs. Amen?