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She is a bitch. But this is what I like about her. Sometimes is nice to read a history ab...

nadica1409 April 1, 2020 10:37 pm

She is a bitch. But this is what I like about her. Sometimes is nice to read a history about this type of character.

    Esdeath2701 April 2, 2020 12:26 am

    She's not a bitch though?? She just plays the masculine role in relationships.
    I see plenty of guy characters in shojos who act the exact same as her, and everybody in the comments says he's hot and shit.

    nadica1409 April 2, 2020 1:26 am

    I agree with you. When I say she is a bitch is because she is not a traditional soujo girl. And it is nice to see a girl in control over the relationship. This what a like about this manga.

    Mr.Taco April 3, 2020 6:12 am
    She's not a bitch though?? She just plays the masculine role in relationships.I see plenty of guy characters in shojos who act the exact same as her, and everybody in the comments says he's hot and shit. Esdeath2701

    And those guys aren't good ppl. I mean I think its a pretty messed up thing to have sex with someone who you know has a significant other. Nor do I think that its nice to emotionally manipulate someone by kissing another person in front of them when you know he/she wouldn't like it. I also don't understand why being promiscuous=masculine. But I do agree that's it's nice to read about this kind of character since its refreshing.

    Mr.Taco May 16, 2020 3:36 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Kororo23

    You're right in that she has to right to play with other guys. But having that right doesn't mean you should always exercise it. Like she definitely has the right to sleep with guys who she knows have girlfriends, but doing so makes her a bitch. (At least that's the case IMO.)
    I don't really think its the fact that she enjoys sex/is sexually active is the reason why people don't like her. It's the fact that she's sleeping with a guy who she knows is in a relationship.