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Orangatanganlamabama April 2, 2020 4:18 am

*sobs* i knew it...and yet... i still had hope T^T (╯TД T)╯╧╧!!!
Ah's still a BL in my dreams right? :")

(Also i just wanna say im seeing a lotta hansoo hate and whilst you're all free to your opinions please dont hate on her just cause she potentially gets in the way of the ship. Regardless of her being there or not the author still probably won't make it canon, they've made it pretty clear. Besides, Hansoo seems to not mind the idea of it herself~ Fellow fujo vibes anyone?)

    BeatrixDimelex April 2, 2020 4:30 am

    Okay, I'm not gonna lie, a while back before I even started reading this, I hated Hansoo because I thought she was gonna get in the way of possible relationships, but I've become reassured that she probably won't get in the way of anything.
    I've actually come to really like her just like the rest of the characters.

    Orangatanganlamabama April 9, 2020 6:40 am
    Okay, I'm not gonna lie, a while back before I even started reading this, I hated Hansoo because I thought she was gonna get in the way of possible relationships, but I've become reassured that she probably won... BeatrixDimelex

    Ah well i can understand that! Me too, I was kind of unsure because I didn't want yet ANOTHER bland female protagonist when the story could function fine without her. BUT I was proven wrong, and I do enjoy her presence in the story! It's frustrating that this (probably) wont be a BL but at the end of the day it is what is is. (We can still dream tho ;-;)