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Does anyone know this manga: I'm pretty sure it's by the same author as this manga but I'm...

HoneyB May 22, 2014 5:37 am

Does anyone know this manga:
I'm pretty sure it's by the same author as this manga but I'm not sure. It's about two guys who were childhood friends but became enemies when guy #1 confessed. Guy #2 says he doesn't like ugly guys so guy #1 says he was kidding and says he hates the poor. So they grow up and guy #1 becomes pretty and guy #2 becomes rich.

After that they get kidnapped, confess, have sex and then escape. Sorry if that was a little long. ^///^

    Hey June 3, 2014 3:19 pm

    I read that manga years ago! Though I forgot what it was called.., sorry. Wait. Let me check. I'll look for it and reply again, okay?

    Hey June 3, 2014 3:44 pm

    Argh... Sorry dude. I looked everywhere but I couldn't find it. One things for sure though, the guy is a short black haired dude with glasses while the other one is a blond with long hair. Their both buff. See if you can skim through manga with dudes who look like those and you might find the manga you were looking for. ^^ Sorry, if I was no help.

    Fox June 8, 2014 7:02 pm

    It's chap 6 - Paper-thin Loathing in Kowarekake no Omocha. Have fun!

    Kuinshi June 26, 2015 5:19 am
    It's chap 6 - Paper-thin Loathing in Kowarekake no Omocha. Have fun! @Fox

    Ironically I was just looking for that manga. Where were you two days ago?! ╥﹏╥