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The Kids don’t remember it anyway tho

Oh Lin Sehunnian April 4, 2020 10:55 am

Is it just me or I find breastfeeding and having sex at the same time Hot? Before you bash me, I’m a woman and I honestly don’t mind doing it when your kid is young like what he gonna do? Remember?
Guys THIS IS FICTION . No children and real nipples were harmed during this dj

    UzzlangGoddess May 27, 2020 11:03 pm

    Lmao! Right I thought it was harmless and they didn’t even go all the way so I don’t understand why some ppl is upset about fictional characters. It’s not like the baby will remember it. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Taducky July 22, 2020 12:20 pm

    I remember things from as young as three months old. Not clearly, but I can remember faces and movements and objects.

    Also it is illegal to involve a non-consenting party in intercourse. Babies can’t consent and if found out would involve legal action including a court date, jail time, and your child would be taken away. :)

    Oh Lin Sehunnian July 22, 2020 12:41 pm
    I remember things from as young as three months old. Not clearly, but I can remember faces and movements and objects. Also it is illegal to involve a non-consenting party in intercourse. Babies can’t consent ... Taducky

    Different people have different memories. I don’t remember shit below 10 years of my age. You’re not making the baby join in, most babies probably doesn’t care btw. Imagine making your parents go to jail bc they were trying to have fun while feeding you..

    Taducky July 22, 2020 12:56 pm
    Different people have different memories. I don’t remember shit below 10 years of my age. You’re not making the baby join in, most babies probably doesn’t care btw. Imagine making your parents go to jail ... Oh Lin Sehunnian

    Imagine what the judge would think involving an innocent baby in sex jail time! <3 And yes, if my parents did something like that with me or my siblings I’d be absolutely disgusted. How could you even become aroused with a child nearby? I know I couldn’t!! Disgusting

    UzzlangGoddess July 22, 2020 4:57 pm
    Imagine what the judge would think involving an innocent baby in sex jail time! <3 And yes, if my parents did something like that with me or my siblings I’d be absolutely disgusted. How could you even bec... Taducky

    Depending on the country you’re in. And if your disgusted why are you even reading this manga? You should have knew what it was about from the first few pages. Also “involving the baby” the child wasn’t even involved you’re acting like the child was the one getting fucked. They didnt even have intercouse all they did was touch each other. Also i know you’re making stuff up because it’s not illegal to have sex while breastfeeding here a link that you should read or simply do your research and quit making shit up. Many mothers have sex with their husbands while breastfeeding their child it’s not a bad thing or an illegal thing just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean other people doesn’t. Quit being so closed minded and trying to change people opinions. Instead of making stupid comments how about you leave your dislike for the book and move on. You should have bigger things to worry about then if a child getting breastfeed while the parents are going at it.

    Oh Lin Sehunnian July 22, 2020 9:39 pm
    Depending on the country you’re in. And if your disgusted why are you even reading this manga? You should have knew what it was about from the first few pages. Also “involving the baby” the child wasn’t... UzzlangGoddess

    Exactlyyyyy My point

    Oh Lin Sehunnian July 22, 2020 9:43 pm
    Imagine what the judge would think involving an innocent baby in sex jail time! <3 And yes, if my parents did something like that with me or my siblings I’d be absolutely disgusted. How could you even bec... Taducky

    That’s your opinion. Me and The ppl I know literally gives 0 fucks about their parent’s sex life, I probably would support them to do whatever they want. Siblings arent born from nothing, your parents also had their time. Having my kid near me doesn’t have an effect on my arousel Jesus. Don’t be so close-minded.

    Taducky July 23, 2020 12:15 am
    Depending on the country you’re in. And if your disgusted why are you even reading this manga? You should have knew what it was about from the first few pages. Also “involving the baby” the child wasn’t... UzzlangGoddess

    Both of you are nasty and I hope to all powers that you never procreate. Multiple states in the US have laws against sexual child exposure, From infancy to adulthood. No adult can legally have sex Or perform sexual acts in front of a child as it is considered child abuse due to non-consensual voyeurism.

    This is not about closed mindedness or opinion, it’s about child safety.

    Also I stopped reading about half way when they didn’t put the baby away. To orgasm holding a child???? Insanely fucked up in the head lol seek help

    Taducky July 23, 2020 12:23 am
    Both of you are nasty and I hope to all powers that you never procreate. Multiple states in the US have laws against sexual child exposure, From infancy to adulthood. No adult can legally have sex Or perform se... Taducky

    Also the fact that the article you linked is an opinion piece is hilarious.

    Here’s a link on child endangerment and sexual abuse:

    UzzlangGoddess July 23, 2020 3:08 am
    Also the fact that the article you linked is an opinion piece is hilarious. Here’s a link on child endangerment and sexual abuse: Taducky

    I’m fine actually thank you and that my opinion if you wanna be a closed minded fuck then go ahead and live under a rock for the rest of your life. You act like two parents fucking is really hurting the SLEEPING child. breastfeeding and having sex at the same time is basically multitasking. Do you know how many kids walked in on their parents fucking. Also newsflash ITS A MANGA. Anything can happen in a manga,book,tv show, ect. And once again it depends on the country and state you’re in so don’t go talking about “laws” if that person isn’t even in the same state or country as you. You have your opinions and i have mines. My god if you wanna be the fun police then go somewhere else and be that but let people have their opinions. I could care less about what you think or believe in. I believe it’s fine and if you don’t then that’s your opinion. Quit trying to force how YOU feel on people. So at the end of the day believe and think whatever you want but i hope you understand that I don’t give a fuck about what you think or believe in. Now thank you and have a nice day. (⌒▽⌒)

    UzzlangGoddess July 23, 2020 3:12 am
    That’s your opinion. Me and The ppl I know literally gives 0 fucks about their parent’s sex life, I probably would support them to do whatever they want. Siblings arent born from nothing, your parents als... Oh Lin Sehunnian

    THANK YOUUUUU!!!! This person doesn’t seem to understand what the fuck we’re saying. Like damn they acting like we’re actually having sex with our kids. Like we have the coronavirus out here and this dude is Fr worrying about if a child is being “endangered” since the parents wanna have sex while breastfeeding.

    UzzlangGoddess July 23, 2020 3:16 am
    Both of you are nasty and I hope to all powers that you never procreate. Multiple states in the US have laws against sexual child exposure, From infancy to adulthood. No adult can legally have sex Or perform se... Taducky

    I’m actually glad im “fucked up in the head” then “normal” like you. At least i have emotions to understand and reason with people who doesn’t think like me or have the same opinions as me instead of being a judgemental fuck. But thank you KAREN for the compliment have a nice day hun.

    Taducky July 23, 2020 12:26 pm
    I’m actually glad im “fucked up in the head” then “normal” like you. At least i have emotions to understand and reason with people who doesn’t think like me or have the same opinions as me instead o... UzzlangGoddess

    Y’all are so angry omg,,, it’s okay to acknowledge you have a problem

    Oh Lin Sehunnian July 23, 2020 2:42 pm
    Y’all are so angry omg,,, it’s okay to acknowledge you have a problem Taducky

    I’m proud to say that I surely will be having children who will have a healthy relationship with their parents and be tolerant and open about many things.

    There’s a difference between purposely exposing your child to your sexual activities and doing it while your child is at an age where he can’t remember a thing an hour before. Kids have certain age where they get aware of things. Of course, I’m not gonna do that when they’re like that. And you surely don’t think that parents with young babies in poor countries ,who only have one single room to live, only have sex while they’re alone.

    I don’t have a problem. We both have different views based on our lifestyles. As I said, I would literally have 0 problems with my parents doing sexual stufff whatsoever, even if the baby me in present in the same room. I can’t remember it anyway and I surely am not gonna sue them for it. If you don’t like it, then don’t do it. Stop criticizing other people just because they’re different from them. You have a problem if you think everyone shoud be ‘normal’ like you.

    UzzlangGoddess July 23, 2020 2:51 pm
    Y’all are so angry omg,,, it’s okay to acknowledge you have a problem Taducky

    Lmao suree buddy please just stop replying with your stupidity. Karen we know you don’t got a man cause your boring but please learn how to stop being a closed minded judgemental fuck.

    UzzlangGoddess July 23, 2020 2:52 pm
    I’m proud to say that I surely will be having children who will have a healthy relationship with their parents and be tolerant and open about many things. There’s a difference between purposely exposing you... Oh Lin Sehunnian

    THANK YOU! Bruh it like this person doesn’t understand a thing we’re saying

    UzzlangGoddess July 23, 2020 2:57 pm
    Y’all are so angry omg,,, it’s okay to acknowledge you have a problem Taducky

    If you wanna be a negative judgmental fuck then you can be that but I’mma continue living my life and being open minded to other people opinions and how they view/ live their life. If i got a “problem” because I don’t care if two people have sex while the mom is breastfeeding then you’re very close minded as long as the parents love and care about their children and don’t put them in any physical pain then why should it matter if they make love at an age where the baby won’t remember it. That their business. The court have more deserving people to punish then parents making love while breastfeeding a sleeping child.

    Taducky July 23, 2020 7:21 pm
    If you wanna be a negative judgmental fuck then you can be that but I’mma continue living my life and being open minded to other people opinions and how they view/ live their life. If i got a “problem” be... UzzlangGoddess

    Okay you win lol I’m tired of seeing your name in my notifs when I’m trying to read

    Also if the internet is stressing you out too much I recommend a hot shower and tea!! Lavender and sandal wood are nice too if you have problems with sleeping which can lead to anger and stress!

    UzzlangGoddess July 23, 2020 9:00 pm
    Okay you win lol I’m tired of seeing your name in my notifs when I’m trying to read Also if the internet is stressing you out too much I recommend a hot shower and tea!! Lavender and sandal wood are nice to... Taducky

    Aw thank you for the suggestion! But i think you need it more Karen!! I’m gonna continues reading Killing Stalking to help my stress but im pretty sure you wouldn’t like it because a fanfictional character is killing and raping people because a MANGA that is doing illegal things is of course “bad to read” and you might say people need “therapy” just because they read like that but silly me I forgot I’m not normal enough like you said. So have a lovely day Karen (⌒▽⌒)

    Sakny August 16, 2020 6:33 pm
    Lmao! Right I thought it was harmless and they didn’t even go all the way so I don’t understand why some ppl is upset about fictional characters. It’s not like the baby will remember it. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ UzzlangGoddess

    Just because it's fictional, that doesn't make it ok. It's better that it isn't happening in real life, but you shouldn't involve your baby in that.