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Now it's just ridiculous.

jman95mf April 4, 2020 1:37 pm

I didn't mind the harem, because I thought the author would be able to handle it okay in the long run. But the power scaling in this is just completely stupid. He literally said he has recovered his body from when he was an immortal, and he got drugged?? How does that happen? So a mortal drug can knock out an immorta'ls body? He still has trouble with people who aren't supposed to be on his level, and just in general the plot is being forced forward or used solely for sex scenes.

    Ruchya April 4, 2020 11:43 pm

    What you have to understand is that the world he comes from is low tier compared to this one. to get a better understanding read "I’m An Evil God manga" in that story the mc travels from different worlds gaining skills, but one thing he realize is that when he try's to use skills from low teir worlds they barely did anything in stronger worlds.