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Orangatanganlamabama April 6, 2020 1:05 pm

awww i was not expecting this story to be so sad and yet so wholesome too (hhh). If there's any complaints it has to be that A) it was a shame we kind of deviated from the school setting early on and B) that ending was so short sobs. Other then that i enjoyed it very much! The concept is amazing, I'm weak for family-centric fiction and love it when two polar opposites (in this case a ganster teacher and schoolchildren) interact, even moreso when there's a considerable age difference. Found families are ♡. Ah, the art was nice too! (Kwon is literally the definiton of eye candy ok-?)
Im not fond of kids (both irl and in fiction), they're way too easy to come across as annoying little brats who either whine constantly or are just bland characters put there for the cuteness factor. HOWEVER, maybe its because the children were the focus idk, but their personalities were so likeable and interactions with both each other and the teacher are just hilarious and heartwarming too. Again, really wish we could see more of the casual stuff instead of the gangster-drama which kept showing up. Not that I didn't find it interesting, it's just theres only SO many times san can get kidnapped before it gets repetitive, yknow?

Other then that, really enjoyed! Highly recommend giving it a read, I just binged the entirety of it lol ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
