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Is Minori name mean something to Yougo that he suddenly can do something like that to Mino...

heretodaygonetomorrow May 26, 2014 4:19 am

Is Minori name mean something to Yougo that he suddenly can do something like that to Minori ? If Yougo fall in love with Minori then Yougo fall in love with Minori name without knowing the guy. And Shuu guy, he is already calculate everything even to put aphrodisiac to Minori food, that devil know Minori was afraid with Yougo but if Minori in heat 'cause aphrodisiac Minori will want help from Yougo and not refuse if Yougo do something to him. That bastard but I admit Shuu plan is really work Minori not angry to Yougo, and is Yougo still do painting ?
