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Sorry if its confusing

Aigoo April 7, 2020 8:53 pm

Can someone help me
I forgot the tittle
Its a romance story
About a girl and a boy
Both of them are classmates and are in a relationship with different people who are calssmates
But because the saw each of their partner are intimate with the other partner (cheating) , they started to get closser To the point they started to develop a feelings for one another
But it turns out, their partner are not cheating but the boy girlfriend just wanted the boy to get jealous so he use the girl boyfriend since the boyfriend know that the girl trust his feelings and know how much he loves her

    Snowo April 7, 2020 9:41 pm

    oh noo I think I know which one it is but the name doesn't comes to mindd

    Snowo April 7, 2020 9:41 pm
    Aigoo April 8, 2020 4:31 am
    yo I think it's this one Snowo

    Oh my god
    It is
    Thank you so so much(≧∀≦)

    Snowo April 8, 2020 1:28 pm
    Oh my god It isThank you so so much(≧∀≦) Aigoo

    You're welcome (=・ω・=)