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I shipped them

Nobody April 8, 2020 11:33 am

since the very beginning but I didn't expect the Doc to be such an ass***. It feels like poor Dojun is only a trophy to him, nothing more than someone to annihilate in order to have some fun. I hope things will work out for them in the future but for now I'm totally against this kind of relationship. Poor Dojun's very fragile and clearly suffers from an inferiority complex. He needs someone who's able to treasure him and turn his fragilities into strenght.

    MsCarat April 9, 2020 9:31 pm

    The story between the doctor and the brother, just started can everybody calm down, lol, Everybody is saying the doctor is trash. He’s obviously gonna fall in love with Dojun. Both stories were based on the characters hating each other and then falling in love. I personally feel the doctor is going to challenge Dojun and make him feel more confident in himself. Im really excited for their story.