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I'm cool that Taichi and Futaba broke up but I totes wanted Touma to have an amazing boyfr...

アテイヤ April 8, 2020 8:42 pm

I'm cool that Taichi and Futaba broke up but I totes wanted Touma to have an amazing boyfriend that wasn't Taichi. Friends suited them better, according to me. I wanted to see Taichi with his wife and kids enjoying with Touma and his husband/boyfriend in a picnic or something. I would have loved that. This ending seemed sort of anticlimactic. Also, I'm sorely disappointed with Masumi's ending. She was written as a lesbian character but then she goes and marries a man. I would have been cool with it had there been even a slight sign of her being bi. Oh well, this isn't my story. If author decided it this way, so be it. I loved the manga regardless.
