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Diana is the roman goddess of something else entierly, Selene is the roman goddess of the ...

Beowulf May 27, 2014 11:05 pm

Diana is the roman goddess of something else entierly, Selene is the roman goddess of the moon and Apollo and Artemis/Selene are twins so that's off, but it was posible back in that time... @*@

    Maru-chan June 10, 2014 8:56 pm

    That's not true- Diana is associated with the Greek Goddess Artemis, meaning that they are the same person/goddess only in a different form. Selene and Helios are the gods and goddesses of the sun and the moon. But because Artemis and Apollo are more widely famous and in Greek times they had to give a sacrifice every time something happens good or bad to the moon or to the sun, the Greeks downgraded Selene's and Helios's job to Apollo and Artemis because they* (*the Greeks) didn't want to sacrifice so many people, yes they sacrificed people, for so many different gods.

    Yolo July 6, 2014 8:25 pm

    I'm so confused with what you guys keep saying so just let it go!!!

    Anonymous August 24, 2016 4:15 am
    That's not true- Diana is associated with the Greek Goddess Artemis, meaning that they are the same person/goddess only in a different form. Selene and Helios are the gods and goddesses of the sun and the moon.... @Maru-chan

    Yep, right on the point