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That ending was TRASH! Masumi deserved better and making Touma and Taichi a couple, in the...

RingoTan April 9, 2020 9:23 pm

That ending was TRASH! Masumi deserved better and making Touma and Taichi a couple, in the end, was not called for. I want my damn time back. WHERE WAS THE LESBIAN REPRESENTATION???? I'M SO PISSED.

    RecessiveGene April 9, 2020 10:09 pm

    Masumi was a bi to begin with though?

    ARTEMIS April 9, 2020 10:51 pm
    Masumi was a bi to begin with though? RecessiveGene

    exactly WHERE was she portrayed as anything but a lesbian?

    Mikki April 9, 2020 11:01 pm
    exactly WHERE was she portrayed as anything but a lesbian? ARTEMIS

    She did have a boyfriend. Although I’m gonna re-read this to jog my memory cuz I didn’t finish it so I could be wrong. I just remember her breaking up with a guy and someone, Touma or Taichi saw her.

    RecessiveGene April 10, 2020 12:19 am
    exactly WHERE was she portrayed as anything but a lesbian? ARTEMIS

    she cried when she broke off with her boyfriend. her husband told her that despite the men AND women she met. she still chose him. so he felt special. there. your answer

    yeonhae April 18, 2020 3:47 am
    exactly WHERE was she portrayed as anything but a lesbian? ARTEMIS

    she had a boyfriend, broke up with him, cried about it. she thought touma is similar to her, but touma replies denying it saying "you're not like me at all" because touma is gay but masumi isn't, she's bisexual.

    RingoTan May 5, 2020 7:34 am
    Masumi was a bi to begin with though? RecessiveGene

    Throughout the manga, she talked about not feeling real attraction to the guys she was dating. The mangaka portrayed her as a lesbian who was dating men to appear cis. She never spoke about being attracted to both boys and girls. She strictly talked about having strong feelings for her female friend and no one else.

    RingoTan May 5, 2020 7:41 am
    Throughout the manga, she talked about not feeling real attraction to the guys she was dating. The mangaka portrayed her as a lesbian who was dating men to appear cis. She never spoke about being attracted to b... RingoTan

    If the author wanted to portray her as bi he/she should've done a better job in doing so. Instead of making it seem like Masumi broke up with her bf's because she wasn't into boys, they should've put more emphasis on the fact that she didn't want to date them because she was in love with her female friend (forgot her name).