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Hard to say that this is a good manga to read during your free time. The story is cliche' ...

Caramelicious May 28, 2014 8:35 am

Hard to say that this is a good manga to read during your free time. The story is cliche' in every little ways to the point that I wanted to stop reading this manga immediately but, as my says goes, once I started reading a new manga I will not stop until the very last chapter ends. No matter how boring or exciting the story is once I made my decision to read it, I WILL read it no matter what, even if I'm li~terally torturing myself to the point that I felt like tearing those MANGAs to pieces with my own bare hands. I don't have the heart stop reading it because I feel the need to give them a 'fair' judgement since they work their damndest. After all I still have to give them some 'thumbs up' for having the guts to make a manga like this...
