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crap im doomed

Jhaye0405 April 10, 2020 2:20 pm

its about my life and i cant tell this to anyone i know cause of so many reasons - the problem is im inlove with a collegue - i dont know when it start and when it happen. it was unexpected - we talk everyday he makes me laugh at work he make me look forward to come to work just to be with him. well he didnt know i like him and i knew he has problem with his ldr gf also and im getting married next year to my ldr bf. we are not flirting with our jokes and its purely like friendship even now.. but theres something in him that makes me double think my marriage. i know he doesnt like me romantically but i he makes me feel special everytime.. btw i saw his gf b4 and we are fb friends.. now what would i do??

    tintells April 10, 2020 2:46 pm

    i read a manga once about this girl being with her boyfriend but ended up falling in love with her colleague, oh yep, the colleague too, is in a relationship. but this girl, in the same situation as you, she just get along with her colleague and somehow, that filled up the space her boyfriend can't give her because he is too busy to spend time with her. you see, he's a college student.

    now here's the thing. i want you to know that what's happening to you happens to people somewhere out there too, it doesn't make you a sinner or a cheater, okay? for your feelings to suddenly shift towards the other person. maybe this colleague of yours treats you well. it's in human's nature to soften when someone acts caring towards you, be able to smile and laugh together with you. makes you feel special because of their warm presence.

    you mentioned about you being engaged (i'll assume you are bc you're planning to get married next year) do a confirmation and ask your heart. try to spend time with your current boyfriend, like if he can't make time do your best to be close to him. connection is important. if you felt like your heart is telling you that you can't do it anymore, talk it out to him (hardest part)

    but if you felt like you just love your colleague bc he filled the warmth your boyfriend can't. then you know what that means.

    this is the time to trust your heart!
    think it over, not once, twice but hundred times so won't make any regrets!

    tintells April 10, 2020 2:47 pm

    i read a manga once about this girl being with her boyfriend but ended up falling in love with her colleague, oh yep, the colleague too, is in a relationship. but this girl, in the same situation as you, she just get along with her colleague and somehow, that filled up the space her boyfriend can't give her because he is too busy to spend time with her. you see, he's a college student.

    now here's the thing. i want you to know that what's happening to you happens to people somewhere out there too, it doesn't make you a sinner or a cheater, okay? for your feelings to suddenly shift towards the other person. maybe this colleague of yours treats you well. it's in human's nature to soften when someone acts caring towards you, be able to smile and laugh together with you. makes you feel special because of their warm presence.

    you mentioned about you being engaged (i'll assume you are bc you're planning to get married next year) do a confirmation and ask your heart. try to spend time with your current boyfriend, like if he can't make time do your best to be close to him. connection is important. if you felt like your heart is telling you that you can't do it anymore, talk it out to him (hardest part)

    but if you felt like you just love your colleague bc he filled the warmth your boyfriend can't. then you know what that means.

    this is the time to trust your heart!
    think it over, not once, twice but hundred times so won't make any regrets!

    Stop It. Get Some Help. April 10, 2020 2:50 pm

    Dont do it sis. Why risking it while hes not even like you romantically? It will pass when you married with your ldr bf Im sure. Not to be harsh but every couple have problems and thats doesnt mean its your sign to come in between them.

    dyke April 10, 2020 2:53 pm

    girl, don't do it. if this dude u have a crush on is already in a relationship, what change would it make if you dumped ur fiance? it's not going to work no matter what so dont pursue it. talk to ur bf or whatever bc at the end of the day it's ur choice :/

    Nyanbox April 10, 2020 2:56 pm

    Just a passerby but
    Sometimes love is sweeter after marriage
    But up to you

    reika April 10, 2020 3:27 pm

    Pre-wedding blues?