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Outaro, you will be missed. I really thought you and Ran could've had a relationship even ...

.. May 29, 2014 9:17 am

Outaro, you will be missed. I really thought you and Ran could've had a relationship even though she was 10. Yes I know kind of messed up but there is no logic in manga unless the author made it so. I cried a lot and I mean a lot. This was the first time I've ever cried so much over a fictional character. Well....I hope the author makes someone that loves Ran as much as you did because even though Hibi right now is her new potential love, he isn't up to par right now. Though I like Hibi too...but whatever.

    Palmetto March 18, 2015 12:55 pm

    I agree with you! *sob* poor Outaro, why you have to..... *cryyyyyyy* ╥﹏╥

    leenuhxox November 23, 2016 7:54 am

    It was so heartbreaking. I really love those two together and really hoped they would be in a relationship, it was just precious even though I know it's wrong but this is a manga and for some reason this manga really had it going since they had that chemistry. Though in the end, it's also good she ended up with Hibi too but I'm not into it as much. Damn, I cried so hard for Outaro. I thought he would really be able to make it by her. :(

    Man I'm not good with these genres! It was so unexpected since it didn't even have the genre link.