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Suana1 April 11, 2020 5:39 pm

I don’t know why some of you guys are complaining about I like the story and both the side and main characters. Yeah the black hair vampire is the villain but the fact that he did all that for Jooyoung. That just gets the author to get the chance to redeem his character and be able to earn all their trust. So people stop hating the side characters they are amazing. The storyline is also awesome and for Jooyoung I understand why he’s angry he is obviously scared for someone he cares about and for that someone to leave his side probably scares him and which is why he got angry I just hope those beautiful people talk it out, but again love love love this story by far my favorite.

    sum girl April 12, 2020 2:30 am

    Literal Intellectual I applaud you