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Butterflies in your stomach?

yare yare daze April 12, 2020 10:03 am

When you guys read smut, do u feel all tingly and stuff in your belly/abdomen/crotch_idk ??

    MAPLEMARSH April 12, 2020 10:10 am

    Of course! That’s just a natural feeling to something shocking or romantic. I get it more often in cute and unexpected moments in shounen ai. UwU

    Xiao_Fei April 12, 2020 10:15 am

    Ya because my fujoshi soul is 100% a slut for gay dick. ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    paigee April 12, 2020 10:31 am

    always feel it in my chest. like a throbbing sensation.

    Yuri-kun for bitches April 12, 2020 11:36 am

    I feel it in my abdomen ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
    It's like a thunder traveling through my stomach ( ̄∇ ̄") But it actually feels good.
    Feels like I don't need actual sex anymore