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Fan theory?

Mimori-chan April 13, 2020 5:18 am

Polla is in love with the dark haired tall guy(forgot his name)..i think
So its like.. short black haired guy-><-blond guy<-polly<-tall black haired guy<-polla
Tall guy is mad because despite knowing that blond guy is gay polly still likes him and yet doesn't give him the time of day. And polla is secretly helping him and also hating him cuz She's choosing her love or her friendship and she chose friendship...just a weird fan theory
And I honestly love polla for standing up and taking action to their faces...because the rest of these idiots are passive aggressive idiots who stew in their guilt and jealousy and hope that the other one comes first..
(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
