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I remember reading this when only the few chapters were out. Sadly I was too emerged in Go...

Anonymous April 14, 2020 4:54 am

I remember reading this when only the few chapters were out. Sadly I was too emerged in God of high school I forgot about this manhwa. I saw that they made an anime of this so I watched the available episodes. I loved it so far except for the character Rachel. Just the first episode I didn't like her and my gut feeling is right almost all the time. I am not a fan of plots where the main characters are chasing stupid women. I just hope that it won't be the case in future chapters. I hope Bam stops his "Rachel" for her, to follow her etc crap. I will stop if that is the case. Can some one spoil a bit for me if he carries on about Rachel? I like spoilers and I would rather not waste my time reading this if Bam is still gonna chase her like an idiot. I hate that kind of plot. After reading the comments it seems that alot of people want her dead which means my gut feeling was right?

    TheMaskedOne April 16, 2020 5:11 pm

    Bam actually just goes: screw it I'm done. That kind of thing to her and leaves her alone after the train chase.

    Nighty April 19, 2020 12:55 pm

    Actually he is chasing but picture gets bigger by the time. Seems like Rachel serves something else and dragging Bam purposely in that direction. So it is interesting in this aspect. But like 300 something chapter i gave up cz it turned out like a circle which Bam constantly getting hit then becoming stronger, getting hit and becoming stronger. Just like a boxing match. I couldn't sense a psychological character development, it's just like only physical ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ so i dropped, i will continue if i have a very very free time and not able to find anything better for reading.