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waaaaah!!! >A<" I cried for almost 3 times a week!!! I've read this manga for like, ...

Manga and anime are my life May 31, 2014 10:56 pm

waaaaah!!! >A<" I cried for almost 3 times a week!!! I've read this manga for like, a hundred or thousand times but it still make me cry!!! waaaah!!!! I always cry this easily every time I hear a sad story. no matter how many times I've read or heard about it, I'm always gonna cry but if it affects on reality I don't really cry THAT much. but when it concerns a manga or anime I cry a pool of tears that's even deeper and bigger than the biggest ocean on earth! any way I really LOVE this manga!!!! read this and you can't even hold back the pool of tears your trying to hold back....
