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I really like the leads this time but the brother is a complete a**hole. Seriously she’s...

Anonymous April 16, 2020 1:21 pm

I really like the leads this time but the brother is a complete a**hole. Seriously she’s cleaning up the mess you made and you have the gall to call her those names as if you have the right.

    Comadrin June 8, 2020 2:48 am

    You see the type quite frequently in the real world. "My every fault is because of someone else treating me bad. The world owes me a living. I know you paid my debts and let me live in your house for free, but what have you done for me lately? Besides, you try to make me get a job when you know that I'm delicate/artistic/ sensitive/etc, etc. I'M THE VICTIM HERE!" I've heard it all.