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The Author

hakwifey7 April 17, 2020 4:58 pm

I am really very curious as to how the author came up with this? Gosh! The power of imagination indeed. That hit hard on me. Dang!

    FUJOSHILIFEFOREVER July 21, 2020 6:11 pm

    Agreed If he was alive he would’ve tried and save her, and yet she was the one who killed him and even though he didn’t agreed to her killing him she still did it and choice to fall to her death instead of stabbing herself together with him since he told her not to stab her but her twisted idea of happily together forever was to die with him, probably cause her sister died alone and she thought she didn’t deserve death that it was only fair. But she didn’t even think or considered about the baby but she could also turn into a twisted mother and later on kill her child.

    xielian_inlove November 1, 2020 4:27 am

    no she didn't kill and commit suicide because of the sister. her reason is really fucking twisted but i've seen it in other novels. she wanted to be the ONLY one for him, when he started to talke about children, that really triggered her inner psycho bc no way in hell was she going to let her man love the child since in her eyes she's more than enough for him.