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geety6 April 18, 2020 1:34 pm

Not really a fan of this ending. I mean sure Alex deserved to die but holy fuck I wish Clark also died. He maybe didn't murder a lot of people but knowing so many secrets and not telling the police, is basically the same as withholding information. He is also a villain. And can we not forget how he manipulated Alex right from the start (and even at the end). Like uggh I didn't like Clark. Like such an arrogant bastard that got his friend killed.

I do like Matty's comment that it might have been Clark's plan all along to taunt Alex so he would kill his friend. Makes way more sense then.

Otherwise this story can basically be summarized as: Arrogant deranged inspector kills his past lover/friend by manipulating a serial killer into loving him... And then kills the serial killer at the end.

Kinda regretting reading till the end...
Oh well, I guess I shouldn't have expected a good ending anyways lol
