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I Feel Bad for Real Han Siwon

Vanlatte April 18, 2020 2:40 pm

It looks like no one care about him... I know his parents cared, but not enough if something like that happened. I hope the author gave him a friend or two who didn't abandon him... T_T
That jerk of lil bro is like... "Mannn, it's ur bro. Ur twin even! How could u?!?!" (and I do want to see him suffer. Not bullying or anything, just a little glimpse of living his life in fear is enough. Like, did he really think what he do is justifiable?!)

Btw my poin is it's like Han Siwon really disappear. No one know he is actually dead because his body is still there. It's just sad... Such a good human being and no one knew he's gone...

Oh, these high school kids didn't act like high school kids in general... (they're like mobster tbh n_n"). But I really enjoy this (apart from real Han Siwon. It's bothering me, really)

    nana April 21, 2020 7:48 am

    I agree. To me it seemed like he was a good person who just loved his younger brother too much. I really wanted something awful to happen to his brother.