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Big Ship Sunken

Airi April 19, 2020 3:07 am

I knew she probably wouldn’t end up with anyone but the blue-haired demon if anyone. I really shipped her and Allen. I also like his yandere seeming side.

    Riku-chan April 19, 2020 4:51 am


    Mimi April 19, 2020 11:26 am

    Yeah, it's really sad the author seems determined to get Tia and the prince together. I don't know why she thought that was a good idea, considering hee doesn't remember anything, so he can't be remorseful, and the rape and murder were completely too much. Tia might even be able to forgive him and move on, but getting back together would be insane! She was literally going into mental breakdowns and comas earlier in the series because her ptsd was so strong.

    Maybe Tia x Prince was the original plan, but come on author, learn when your story got a mind of its own and realize Tia should not be with him for her own mental health.

    Allen and Tia had amazing chemistry, and I think him rejecting her reincarnation story was very out of character considering how she knows way too much about the future. Yanderes are fun when they're keeping your enemies away, but it's looking like Allen might be fixing to take the place of the abuser prince and hurt Tia way more.

    Airi April 20, 2020 1:33 pm
    Yeah, it's really sad the author seems determined to get Tia and the prince together. I don't know why she thought that was a good idea, considering hee doesn't remember anything, so he can't be remorseful, and... Mimi

    I absolutely cannot agree with you more! Holy cow, you just read my mind!

    At the very least, we all want her to be happily not together with anyone. She deserves so much love. ┗( T﹏T )┛