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I hate how rin is the uke -_-

Okami June 5, 2014 12:04 am

I hate how rin is the uke -_-

    Anonymous June 6, 2014 2:15 am

    I think it works better when Rin's the uke, it fits better the relationship they have. Like, Rin wants to be loved, Rin wants romance, and Haru wants to give Rin all of that, it's really sweet.
    Even though, I must say, in this dj it was kind of... brute? I didn't like the sex, Haru was, like, without control, even shoving Rin against the floor. The sex was so unnecessary, it was a pretty sweet doujinshi until that scene.
    But solafana's doujins are so great, September Scanlations have some of them, like "Tropical Fish on February", "Freely!", "One, Two" and "Their Relationship". The way she portraits their dynamic is awesome *__* you should totally go read them at the group's site.

    (And well, you're free to ignore this if you're a fan of douchebag ooc seme Rin xD)

    RiNgOaPpLe-Chan June 6, 2014 1:22 pm

    I sorta agree with u and sorta agree with anonymous but I think rin suits uke cause of his hot blooded personality and haru is very calm and I don't know dominating and rin is sorta weak? Idk but oh well
    ~(>3<~) [justed wanted to do that face]

    Anonymous June 7, 2014 1:56 am

    omg YES, totally >w< like, I really REALLY like Haru, always-serious-always-emotionless-faced Haru, losing control (but like, in a good way, not like this dj portraited) over Rin <3

    Hayate June 9, 2014 12:28 am

    GOD! I'm not the only one! Seriously there are so many DJs with Rin as uke!! And I really don't get why everyone thinks Rin is more suited to be the uke! First, he is taller than Haru (that's a bit chliched cuz there are many yaois with taller uke I know, still being taller would suit the seme better), second, there are enough hot blooded seme so why are only tsundere uke allowed?? I think it would be way more interesting with Rin as the seme! Like the scene with Rin shoving Haru against the fence! Isn't that the proof that Rin could aggressively topping Haru? (sounds hot *q*) Moreover it does look like Rin is really possessive! And everyone loves possessive seme so whyyyyyy!!!???? WHYY IS HE ALWAYS THE UKE!
    Now Haru! Haru is quiet! There are soo many quiet, cool ukes in manga x_x As a fujoshi with a fetish for seme with longer hair! RIN HAs longer hair than Haru... GOSH IT COULD BE so fucking hot, so whyyyy areeen't there more hot DJs with Rin as seme? *hahh* . . . Also... imagine Haru gets topped by Rin... Wouldn't be it super cute when he moans and blushes, etc? -_-