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At first I really hated the Ex but at the end I could help but feel empathy for him. Like....

Cathereal April 19, 2020 9:57 pm

At first I really hated the Ex but at the end I could help but feel empathy for him. Like... do you guys get what I'm tryna say? Cause at first I thought he was nothing but an abusive bastard but like I came to the realization that he genuinely care for him (MC forgot his name ) and got desperate since he realised that the love they first had started dwindling. It's kinds tbh how he came to the realization that they were no longer in love and I also love the fact that at the end ( even though we know that he didn't at first) let the MC go...

I wanna see a side Story with the Red cutie and Ex ( Forgot his name as well ) just to see how he is as a person
