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This is such a cute story, although Chieru our whatever her name is is really abusive and ...

Firefujoshi April 20, 2020 6:29 pm

This is such a cute story, although Chieru our whatever her name is is really abusive and gets jealous wayyyy to easily? She hits Akifumi every five seconds but he never hits her back, even though he’s notorious for being violent. Chieru must be such a pain to deal with she hits her boyfriend if she’s embarrassed, happy, sad, mad, or jealous. Every time Akifumi is with a girl of some sort Chieru always, always, gets jealous, punched Aki, and then Aki has to comfort her. They’re a cute couple except for how abusive the relationship is. Also, some characters seem to have just been forgotten. Like Mizuki, he lasted only to make Aki jealous, and shows up like once or twice many volumes later.
