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i am in awe. i never made it a secret that im obsessed with yaoi. have been since i was 12...

annehime June 7, 2014 12:52 pm

i am in awe. i never made it a secret that im obsessed with yaoi. have been since i was 12.. and im 25! eeeek. ive gotten some weird looks qnd comments but i dont mind, why do some people, girls and boys treat it as some secret?c

    sakura June 17, 2014 4:07 am

    yea me too i'm a big fan of yaoi but all my friends think its weird that i even read manga now i'm always hiding my own computer whenever someone sees me read a manga and that just piss me off but what can i do sense most of the people i know are homophobic...well i'm straight myself but i don't care about anyone's sexual orientation as long as its not a cute guy i like...then i'll be heart broken don't wanna experience that!!

    akira June 22, 2014 1:25 am

    Yeah thats so true..... I do the same too.... Its just that people do not do see many a the way we do :)

    Leimaymay June 30, 2014 9:30 am

    I couldn't agree more!!! I think that if i didn't had a chance to know yaoi in my life ill be missing a lot. really it became a big part of my happiness hahaha

    Squeals! July 4, 2014 2:28 am

    You're right. I have yet to come open about my yaoi addiction. It's not really with the fact that I can't be open but more so of the embarrassment that overwhelms me when someone close to me comes and sees what I'm reading. It's that awkward moment that prevents me from revealing my secret. It's just weird reading yaoi in front of people I know. I let them know I love to read mangas but I don't go into the specifics about the kind of genre I read unless of course if they ask. But most don't. So it's a win-win.=D

    PIEMASTER July 6, 2014 3:49 am

    I started reading yaoi in 4th grade. And not even shounen ai.

    .. July 29, 2014 1:34 pm

    LOL! XD Thats good :) ur pretty bold. my case, I hide the fact because most people think its immoral. I also started reading yaoi when I was 12 (now I'm 16) and my dad is veeeery strict! My parents would kill me if they knew. Since yaoi has intense scenes which are not good for kids and reaally...most people just dont think of it as something good. The only time I can say I love Yaoi is when Im with my fellow otaku friends or fujoshis. Other than that...if other people know they'd have a bad image of me especially since I have a reputation to keep. And's gay porn. Its weird to just shout it out to just anyone especially elders.

    hemani June 6, 2015 10:06 am

    Me to crazy for yaoi mangas and no one knows about it . It's been 0nly 2,3 month that I started reading this. Before, I was not interested in mangas at all and not even interested in animes too. I don't know how I became like it makes me really happy.

    Rei-Rei-Chan!!! August 6, 2015 10:02 pm

    You guys make me smile. :-) Fujoshi fangirls forever! <3