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Dongha just tell him what your feelings are

siana1999 April 23, 2020 7:06 am

haha I think Dongha is more complex that I thought, but he is not bullshit for me. I mean, he just does not how to express his feelings, he didn't care about anything before met Sanho. How he said be everything for someone is not bad at all, and Sanho is like an angel with horns haha he is innocent, but when he is having sex with Dongha he stops being a child. I think you guys misunderstand what Dongha meant with the example of the snow field, Sanho is like a blank canvas, at the beginning is empty but little by little what you painted on takes shape and color. I know he said that he wants to step on and get him dirty, but please he is horny and have sex with Sanho is like to be in heaven for him XD

    SBH2018 April 23, 2020 7:10 am

    Downvoted by mistake ( ̄へ ̄)