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Painful and Annoying

Tres22b April 23, 2020 8:29 am

If you want a break up, ok fine. That alone hurts... However, the thing that I DON'T accept the most and really unforgivable was the "WHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY????!!!!!". I NEED AN EXPLANATION....DEFINITELY!!!!! And then doesn't give a SHIT what was wrong??!!! wow...i'm so pissed off when i was reading this!!! ヽ(`Д´)ノ I just stopped reading around ch. 5. i Maybe I'll just wait until the last chapter then i'll just JUMP to the last few chapters :p...ugh!.......I was even expecting it will be good since I like love triangles (fair and square tropes) but then turns out some character/s is/are SHIT.

.......... .................. ................
....really annoying...... Damn it !!! (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
