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It might just be me......

Darkorchid April 24, 2020 7:59 am

It might just be me and my own outlook but after re-reading this multiple times my disgust for Nakayama has gotten pretty strong. I like the rest of the story and even the girlfriend. At the end of the day though if you seriously can't afford a room and ask to use someones, have the decency to clean up. Also, don't push your way into that room then stay all night like in chapter 2. He literally kicked his friend out of his home all night. Like I said it might just be me but I would seriously have ended up punching him. He's just a being a shitty person who really doesn't give a shit about anyone.

K rant over sorry, just kinda had to get that typed out. >.>

    Kat April 30, 2020 5:03 pm

    Sorry I meant to like it.