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not knowing if you can be pregnant or not *facepalm*

commandantpigeon April 24, 2020 9:33 am

I will never understand girls that cannot answer that, how can she not answer at her age. Does she not know codom ? pills or things like that. Does she know about disease ?? Girls and boys that do that without protecting themself and cathing a diseas should pay for their medical fees since they are that stupid.

    Miso April 24, 2020 3:28 pm
    Bro chill, I'm quite sure there have been instances in which they haven't used protection so it's reasonable for her to question whether or not she could be pregnant. And honestly if I'm going to the doctors concerning a cut on my finger my mind's not going to be on whether I'm pregnant or not so I'm sure she was just stunned by the sudden question. Many irl hesitate when asked.

    commandantpigeon April 24, 2020 6:05 pm chill, I'm quite sure there have been instances in which they haven't used protection so it's reasonable for her to qu... Miso

    I am chilled lol and i'm not a "bro : D". You are questionned if you are pregnant for just taking an X ray or sometime when they take your blood for analyse so there is no excuse to not be able to answer that

    Joubim January 28, 2021 5:10 pm
    I am chilled lol and i'm not a "bro : D". You are questionned if you are pregnant for just taking an X ray or sometime when they take your blood for analyse so there is no excuse to not be able to answer that commandantpigeon

    Well they're in a committed relationship and obviously have sex. To her knowledge she isn't pregnant but he asked her if there was a possibility she could be. Since she wasn't praying hail Mary with Daiki, there should be a reasonable doubt (mistakes always happen). But it's strange that she can't get local anesthetics for a cut because of a possible pregnancy at a very early stage.