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if my husband were to kiss another girl and say ''she kissed me so that would have been im...

good but.... June 9, 2014 12:49 pm

if my husband were to kiss another girl and say ''she kissed me so that would have been immature of me to push her away'' I would just kick his a** ans leave. have can you trust a guy like that afterwards if he doesn't even feel guilt abput his wrong doing?! plus I'm sure he wouldn't take it this nicely if she was the one doing the same with another man^^ he's just acting like an immatur, egoistical spoiled brat thinking that the world revolves around him and not trying to understand other people feelings. the story in itself isn't bad, but after seeing this part of the story, I just thought the guy was really egoistic and I wouldn't like to marry such a person. whether you're a man or a woman, acting like that is just being a brat who hasn't healed from his/her oedipe syndrom and acting like you're the navel of the world^^
ypu can't be happy in a marriage with someone who doesn't even repent sincerely whe' hurting the other person.

    corali January 10, 2016 10:05 pm

    for me another bullshit novel of harlequin, and don't you think the worst part of harlequin "romance", if we could call like that to abuse and violence against women, is when all women marry that horrible man or come back with him or stay with him at the end, that part is the most sickening, women can forgive to shows her generosity but never "to love or to blossom love" for such a jerk , violent man. And no matter how long is the novel the end don't change. The vision of women of harlequin is absolutely sickening , outrageous.