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Chapter 4 is bad not because of the sex nor the art but because of the story. I loveee thr...

netyuna June 9, 2014 4:28 pm

Chapter 4 is bad not because of the sex nor the art but because of the story. I loveee threesomes ok? ok. But only if the feelings between the three are mutual, or the three of them don't really love each other but have a sexual relationship. Also it's accepted that they both are in a loving relationship and both agree to enter a third party to spice things up. That is the only way acceptable for me. But in this manga not only did they made him be in a threesome that he didn't want and he was an IDIOT to let himself be persuaded, but they implied that even if Kei was only in love with Fuuta and the friend with his current lover (that gaming president or whatever) they both still have a sexual relationship without them 'cuase as the said they are only sex friends. Sex friend are ok ONLY if you don't have already a lover, so Fuutas first reaction to that situation was ok, Kei was indeed a despicable scum and two timing bastard! They can't just laughed it of and say "I'm not cheating 'cause I only love you" tsk this really made me mad :@ ok ranting off....

    new July 8, 2014 7:57 pm

    i agree feel the same way about chapter 4

    Kio-chii July 9, 2014 9:52 pm

    My thoughts exactly. I kind of whish it was longer and our cutie Fuuta had walked out on him. I mean I would have punched him at least. -sighs-

    Something on my mind... September 11, 2014 7:01 am

    I don't think they love each other,they only together for companionship. I found out that my partner cheating on me and he even had the guts to suggest a threesome with his lover. I was so mad and told him to rot in hell with her. He may as well get another whore to participate in their orgy. What an asshole!
    So why is it that this idiot didn't throw a tantrum and instead went along with it? There's no love as far as I'm concerned. Some readers may get turn on by orgies when the art shows it's fun but only in manga. Even my friends say that they can't bring themselves to do a threesome.
    But I heard of this one lady who went on a business trip. When waiting for her transport,she met two guys and chit-chatted with them. And it just so happened that she wanted a fling at that moment,she did it with both of them. And it was only that,period,nothing else and they departed as strangers later. I'm fine with her doing this 'cos I think she needed it then. No one will know if she keeps it her secret forever.