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Darkenthat April 24, 2020 6:22 pm

a lot of ppl in the comments seem to agree with marriage with cousins, sorry but not me, I respect your opinion though but I'm super close with most of my cousins, kinda like siblings so it's a weird thought for me

    Nachan April 29, 2020 9:44 am

    I get what you mean I don’t agree with it either. But because this is fictional I don’t really care what they do

    astralsensei May 26, 2020 7:55 am

    I’m against it purely because of the scientific negatives it has on your DNA lol

    Roni May 29, 2020 9:39 pm

    Same, all us cousins are close and its just kinda gross for me. My middle sister and I apparently had 2nd or 3rd cousins that had crushes on us when we were all younger but eww no.

    demon13o June 15, 2020 6:18 pm

    I'm in the same thought line when it's not story type made of pure fiction. I can sort of understand in older times this was a normal thing to have cousins marry. Us as modern age minds can't fathom to accept this as it feels like your own sibling. I grew up around my cousins hell I have an uncle only 3 months older than me ._. I see him more like a brother then an uncle no different then the rest of my cousins and actual siblings.

    Glow June 22, 2020 5:22 pm

    Why? In my tribe it's legal to married among cousins. I know its unhealthy based on DNA. But I hv several of my cousins married each other,and they seems happy.

    Roni June 22, 2020 8:13 pm

    For me it's mainly because some cousins are raised like siblings. My cousins and I were, even the ones by marriage, so I don't see them as anything but that.

    demon13o June 26, 2020 11:58 am

    It all depends on the culture, environment, and how one grows up. Some see it as normal, some can't stomach it, while there are those that are like "meh, it's life whatever". There are those that will commit to the act as strengthening the bloodline or such lines of thought. To each their own.

    astralsensei June 26, 2020 4:54 pm
    It all depends on the culture, environment, and how one grows up. Some see it as normal, some can't stomach it, while there are those that are like "meh, it's life whatever". There are those that will commit to... demon13o

    Yeah but it's declining rapidly in every modern environment purely because it damages your DNA rather than strengthens your bloodline. After centuries, our bloodline is already thinning so there's essentially no point. The damages to your future offspring far outweigh the benefits anyways with side effects such as

    - an extremely higher chance of birth defects in offspring
    - less diversity within your DNA, and diversity within your DNA is essential for organism growth and survival (this leads to the birth defects thing where you're more at risk at having rare genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis and hemophilia)
    - it can weaken your immune system
    - even without birth defects or genetic diseases, it also means that you're more victimed towards health problems easily.

    But I guess if you love your cousin that much, go wild. I would honestly choose the latter and opt for adoption though if I were in that position.

    Syrupy Pancake June 27, 2020 11:58 pm
    Same, all us cousins are close and its just kinda gross for me. My middle sister and I apparently had 2nd or 3rd cousins that had crushes on us when we were all younger but eww no. Roni

    Oh i get that. I had a crush on one of my cousins when I was young and it was before I knew we were cousins. Though not to toot my genetic gorns but my family members all have pretty good genes (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Lol but yea im against that stuff like if you're related by blood or grew up raised as siblings its kinda ew

    Misha September 28, 2020 4:15 pm

    My parents are cousin and many of my cousin marry each other its totaly fine but i respect your beleif