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She definitely doesn't speak for me!

Nyxmeow April 25, 2020 2:38 am

"Women don't have a direct connection between nakedness and sexual desire like men" the fuck you talking about, lady??

    Dyke Recruiter April 25, 2020 2:54 am

    everyone has there own thing that gets them going, but in my experience men think showing skin/dressing sexy=a person wants to have sex. its a douche bag way of thinking, and im not saying women arent capable of thinking like that, but i noticed its usually men who have that kind of thought process. i mean look at rape culture(its a little much but hear me out), men say a woman dressing slutty means she’s asking for it or she shouldn’t show so much skin if she doesnt want to be looked at/cat called when in reality girls usually wear revealing clothes bc they just wanna feel like a baddie or whatever

    Nyxmeow April 25, 2020 3:17 am
    everyone has there own thing that gets them going, but in my experience men think showing skin/dressing sexy=a person wants to have sex. its a douche bag way of thinking, and im not saying women arent capable o... Dyke Recruiter

    I completely agree with everything you've said, but it's a bit different from the point I was making. In our sadly still patriarchal culture, in situations like you're describing men are objectifying women and pushing their own sexual desire onto women (because women are objects for men to look at and want, not full thinking, feeling individual subjects). Showing skin or being naked does not mean someone has any kind of sexual motivation towards a person looking at them, of course!!!

    But Tachibana's boss was saying that women don't feel sexual desire from LOOKING AT nakedness, which is definitely untrue as a generalisation. The difference is, women aren't taught by society to feel entitled to just have whatever they want from men, and that men should be sexually available for them. So they're far less likely to push their own sexual desire onto men. It's not that we don't feel sexual desire, we just don't grow up learning to automatically negate men's humanity and make our own desire the priority.

    (This discussion has gotten way more serious than I expected, but I'm here for it haha!)

    Dyke Recruiter April 25, 2020 3:38 am
    I completely agree with everything you've said, but it's a bit different from the point I was making. In our sadly still patriarchal culture, in situations like you're describing men are objectifying women and ... Nyxmeow

    ahhh i see, thank you for explaining!! i do agree with tachibana’s boss but you’re right, taking what she said as a generalized statement would be too shallow, especially with how women are still being expected to act. ur mind is sex c btw, we a love an educated person who understands patriarchal control over female sexuality!!!