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Playdoh April 26, 2020 8:54 am

I have never watched shameless until a day or two ago and no one told me that there was a gay couple in it. I feel so angry for not discovering it before because it's not a new show. I only watched the Gallavich scenes from YouTube and I'm obsessed. And the actors aren't even gay to begin with. I love them so much, they are literally perfect for each other, I love them both. Also I can't get Ian's face when he looked at Mickey with his eyeliner on when they're in the club where Ian tried to kiss him and Mickey refused. He was like "this is our world"

    Angel_mqybe April 26, 2020 10:42 am

    I finished the series. I really like them too. Mickey is so handsome. Scene they first had sex was so good. Mickey is our jealous bottom. So cute