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StillLiving April 27, 2020 5:37 am

How is literally no one talking about the fact that it is stated repeatedly that the kid is a minor?? Like even if he dose shitty things he is still literally a child? I understand if some of the younger people on here don't get it but as a young adult myself I can tell you no one in there right mind, at 27 of all things, is doing things with a 17 year old with good intentions. The maturity difference is miles different. Even with the situation he was put in the 27 year old should not have "given in" to the 17 year old. When you're an adult and a kid keeps pestering you for something that isn't good for them, you do not give in, because you are the adult in the situation and know better, where as they do not. It was just really disturbing and uncomfortable to read and then to come to the comments and see literally no one talking about it.

    Clop February 27, 2021 2:42 pm

    maybe its because its just a manga...? theres no harm. of course its not alright if its in real life. if people cant distinguish between whats fictional and not, they shouldnt even be reading on this website anyway. skip reading if you cant handle it (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜