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I'm sorry but i cant really relate more with rou's personality. Basically my personality i...

Michiyo April 28, 2020 8:08 am

I'm sorry but i cant really relate more with rou's personality. Basically my personality is the same (eventhough im not that cute or pretty) as rou's but i want to say even i dont know why i act like that. I cant find someone who i genuinely like/love. I always treat someone as special and maybe unexpectedly give them a few hints, and then if they give the 'sign' they will confess, i will start distancing myself or pretend idk why they hv feelings for me. But in my case i will regret it and think why i do things like that and miss tht person. Basically i know its wrong but idk why i cant genuinely like the other person. I know im cruel but i hope that someday i will find somebody who makes me fall so hard that i cant no longer treat everyone like that and cherish others ppl feeling. (like rou fall so hard with yoshino ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ )
